Stainless steel hardware

Product overview

Sleeves aluminum

Oval, with groove

Sleeves copper

Oval, with groove

Stainless steel carabiner

With kink

Stainless steel carabiner with eye

With kink and eye

Stainless steel carabiner with eye and screw

With kink, eye and screw

Stainless steel D-shackle

Short model

Stainless steel D-shackle long model

Long model

Stainless steel eye nut

With internal metric thread

Stainless steel eye terminal

To swage on steel wire.

Stainless steel eyebolt

With metric thread

Stainless steel H-shackles

Short model

Stainless steel jaw terminal

To swage on steel wire

Stainless steel thimble

Standard model

Stainless steel thimble reinforced


Stainless steel thimble reinforced with plate

Thimble reinforced model with plate

Stainless steel turnbuckle


Stainless steel turnbuckle terminal

To swage on steel wire

Stainless steel wire clamp

Wire clamp with metric thread

Stainless steel wire terminal

To swage on steel wire, metric thread